Translated from my discussion list Enseignements Spirituels Personnalisés:
Cristian wrote:
"A thing bothers me: tobacco calms, is antiseptic and efficient. I agree. But, once again, according to what advertisements and studies say, manufacturers of cigarettes would also put in their products tar and other products of this kind. I read that, in a cigarette, besides tobacco, there would be hundreds, or even thousands of other products that manufacturers would add, and others to provoke dependence."
In answering the question Cristian asked on tobacco and what tobacco contained, according to the advertisement, David wrote:
My dear Cristian,
Tobacco contains nicotine. Nothing else. Nicotine, in big doses, is a violent poison (three drops on the tongue of a German Shepherd will suffice to kill it immediately) .
Nicotine in small doses (mmg) is a drug that provokes immediate dependence. It is a powerful tranquilliser! It is not necessary to add other products to be accustomed, Cristian, ask toxicologists. Nicotine is the most perverse drug concerning dependence, Coke or the Heroine don't compare to it. Tars (they are antiseptic) content, in short, mostly products coming from the combustion of the cigarette, which products are naturally cleaned by the lungs.
Cough and expectoration act as a " chimney-sweeping " and therefore to the evacuation of products absorbed by us and gotten by the combustion of the tobacco. But contrary to what publicity says, in these components there are no Mercury and even less of hydrochloric acid (it is an absurdity that this pub on TV says).
Mercury is a natural element and there is none in tobacco (unless man placed some of it in cigarettes.) Since combustion has to create some, why would it not create gold also? (Natural element): -))
Hydrochloric acid is the result of a tasty mixture of hydrogen and of Chlorine, (maybe there is Chlorine in the paper or other agents, like flavors, but not in tobacco itself!
Hydrogen is an explosive Gas.... do you see the absurdity of these pubs who look more to create fear in us than to instruct us??????
The goal of these pubs: to make you buy patch and pills, to follow treatments to stop smoking. In short... Money!
Lately, I saw on a pack of cigarettes a pub telling people: to help you stop smoking compose this number: xxxxxxx; 0.50 /mns euros.
Money is evidently well at the center of big Co interest such as Philipp Morris, for example!
But on our planet, there is a plant that relieves all dependence! Did physicians speak of it??? NO, I am certain of it! And yet they know very well about it. Only one dose can eradicate spontaneously the dependence to tobacco and any other drug.
Do they put on the market ? Does one study its components to heal people of their dependence??? NO! Absolutely not. It would put in peril mountains of money collected - thanks to cigarettes, drugs and the pharmaceutical industry!
Many dare even say that one dose taken from this plant is worth a score of psychoanalysis sittings! But you are right to say that man corrupts everything with money, and he continues to make it while hiding the existence of this plant to people.
Ok, I'm a good player, I will give you the name of this plant. It is called IBOGA.
[The text on this Ibogaïne (Iboga) is reproduced at the end of the document. ]
In answering one of my questions, about his sources, David had this to say:
A site speaks of anxiolytic effects (among others) of Nicotine (address in bottom of page). But what I read more enthralling on the topic is in books that date the 19th and the beginning the 20th Century!
Everything actual is biased. Nothing of present deal the topic with a real objection and in a Manichaean way! If there is a public library near you, I suggest you the Larousse medical, early 20th Century!
One finds the nature of tobacco there, its effects on the body, advantages and nuisances and the composition of smoke created by the tobacco combustion (about 4000 components)! Most dangerous of its elements being the Carbon monoxyde (there is monoxyde in all combustion), Carbon Oxide, pyridine, and crésol, but they are in minute, very minute parts!
I suggest you the Larousse encyclopedia of the 19th century. Here too: advantages and nuisances.
I also suggest the Medical Science Dictionary of 1885, in which the doctor Pécholier spoke thus: "When one finds in a substance an energetic effect on the living body as those of tobacco and nicotine, we estimate that one must believe them capable to produce the therapeutic modifications of the first order."
In all others recent books, tobacco has only nuisances! Even the positive effects are the object of a poor evaluation! These books don't base their results on the report of observations of a precise population, let me explain:
On a CONSTANT population of 100 smokers, we have 8 or 10 that develop a cancer (of the lung or other)! On a CONSTANT population of 100 non smokers, we have 2 or 4 that develop cancer!
Conclusion: There are more cancers in smokers; therefore tobacco gives cancer.
That is a FALSE reasoning!
Indeed, this reasoning reverse in a pernicious and sophist way the conclusion, which should be the following: since 2 or 4 on 100 non smokers developed a cancer of the lung or other, and since that 90 or 92 people on 100 that smoke don't develop some at all, tobacco must not play a very big role in the development of cancer. (Hey yes! Numbers speak of themselves). The only report then to establish is not to say that tobacco GIVES cancer since 92% of smokers don't have it and 4% of non smokers have it!
But to say that tobacco increases the risk of a way RELATIVE but absolutely not alarming (watch these numbers again)! All must depend on the organism of people! Tobacco must be harmful to some, that is all (it is like a phenomenon of allergy), but in any case, we must strongly note that it is not the majority which smokes and is not sick! [Tobacco will complicate a situation that already exists. Only complicate it. Not cause it.]
[Tobacco will complicate a situation that already exists. Only complicate it. Not cause it.]
As for those that speak thus: will " 50% of the big smokers develop a cancer ", are they conscious of the stupidity that they say or hide behind the evasive and non precise words (" the BIG smokers "); well yes one doesn't know what it is too much for a BIG smoker? Is it, per day, 100 cigarettes or just 20?
If such was the case, the planet would quickly be depopulated: -))) what is fortunately not the case!
Then there is the passive tobacco addiction; that it is the cherry on the cake!
I read at this site :
One can estimate that more than 60.000 smokers die every year because of tobacco addiction and that 3.000.000 non smokers unfortunately undergo consequences because of it.
Then, tobacco make more patients of nonsmokers that of smokers????? Oups???? Oulalalalalala???? What is happening???? )))))
It is then necessary to have the same conclusion our physicians have which say that on 100 people etc. Hey well! Let's go for it…
As 60.000 people are sick because of tobacco and as 3.000.000 of non smokers are also in the same conditions, but without smoking! It is therefore the fact not to consume tobacco that makes people sick!
There you have it Pierrot, the proof that their observations are not worth much and that they are destined to " to stuff the soft " of the one that doesn't think!
In total digression, my physician, one day, told me: " I won't tell you why tobacco is good, you would smoke while giving you good conscience! But know that there are more inconveniences than advantages to smoke because one never reasonably manages its " way of consumption".
Therefore tobacco, if well managed (and it is the hardest to do), can be only beneficial! This is what I deducted from my physician's words!
Now… I would wish to speak LOGIC to you and so expose to you what I think of tobacco (I am certain that you are going to find me logical, therefore believable!)
For info, the pyridine that I mentioned earlier burns skin by simple contact! It is an extremely dangerous product with a spontaneous action! However, when you smoke, you don't feel these effects, so it is easy to deduct that:
It is indeed in minute quantity in tobacco so much so that it is possible to speak of HOMEOPATIC dose! However you know as well as I do this medicine! Homeopathy! It uses a dilute poison effects to the extreme to counter symptoms that would have provoked the ingestion of these same poisons!
In short, it takes care of the pain by the pain! So the minute quantities of poisons contained in tobacco act like a simple homeopathic medicine, which only has a goal: to HEAL!
Therefore to my humble opinion… The only problem in the cigarette resides in the heat of the smoke which must really be more aggressive than tobacco itself (the smoke is at 500 degrees when it exits the cigarette).
Therefore while consuming tobacco to repetition you physically burn he organism (throats and bronchus)! The irritation thus provoked by the heat of inhaled smoke weakens you, burns you and your organism cannot normally fight against the outside attacks!
In all logic, that is what I think!
Now and always in relation with Tobacco: permit me to tell you about my childhood.
For my part, from the age of 7 to the age of 14, I was asthmatic to the last degree, I could not laugh to bursts, nor to climb a staircase, nor to run without having a stern crisis! Seven years of my life where each night was disturbed by a terrifying crisis, where each laughter, each child's game became impossible!
A physician took charge of me, a specialist, doctor LEVY-VALENSI, responsible for pneumology at Amiens' hospital; he tried to take care of me! He was wrong all the way, he didn't even have me pass a radio exam and this illness drove me to a serious pulmonary infection and I almost died at the age of twelve!
In short and in last recourse my parents have seen Doctor Jean Louis Dessirier, a specialist of bronchitis.
He had me passed a simple radio, saw, and took care of me to antibiotics associated to other products with success. I was saved, but crises were always there! My agony during this treatment lasted eight days. I didn't know what day it was anymore nor the hour when I woke up.
After that, I was invalid for two months.
Followed, were respiratory rehabilitations (hey yes, seven years of dysfunction mark a little), treatments against allergies, and so forth. I was feeling better but I could not run nor play like a child of my age because of these crises of asthma (no soccer, no footrace, no laughing to bursts, no bicycle, no walk on foot without paying the price).
I must have taken tons of ventoline!
Then, toward the age of 14 (I won't say by the most extraordinary coincidence: -)))) I began to smoke and, in just a few days, I forgot asthma, I could finally run, laugh and FINALLY BREATHE!
I could practice sport and could LIVE NORMALLY! I stopped all treatment against the opinion of physicians and when I told them my history they didn't seem astonished.
Hey yes Pierrot! Tobacco healed me of my asthma, it had, contrary to all medical Doctrine, returned my breath and that... I Swear it to you before God!
And now, the web page I talk to you before:
Acetylcholinea3 ; see, at the end of the page a Chapter on Nicotine. Read also this one: Antaginistes_cholinergies3. Both sites are in French.
Happy reading,
In all friendship,
Brother Shine, Rommel Washington, Raquel S. Rogers
Since more than three thousand years, men discovered a plant that one calls the Eboga, that they declared sacred. This plant contains a powerful remedy, the Ibogaïne.
Today, in Europe and in the United States the Ibogaïne is tested for its capacities to interrupt addiction to heroine, cocaine, méthadone, alcohol and nicotine. Besides, the Eboka is frequently used in religions of central Africa (Gabon, Cameroon, Zaire, Congo), as well as to take care of. The republic of Gabon is the center of the Bwiti religion and the Society medical Mbiri uses Ibogaïne to cure, to physiological and psychological ends.
The Eboga is used in the only African religion in expansion: the Bwiti, through its various shapes: orthodox, the Bwiti Mitsogho; reformed, the Bwiti Fang syncretic.
The first research enterprises on the Ibogaïne go back up to the second half of the 18th century. One called the plant Tabernanthe Iboga officially in 1889. The alkaloid was isolated in 1901. This caused the sale of a French medicine in the beginning of the century which base was ibogaïne, to treat some nervous or cardiac problems. Then, the medicine seemed to disappear until 1930 where the French pharmaceutical industry launched a new stimulant based on ibogaïne, the Lambaréné, according to the name of the Gabonese clinic of the doctor Schweitzer.
Research on the chemical identification and the specific effects of the Ibogaïne continued in the 70's, essentially under the direction of the chemist Robert Goutarel and pharmacologists Raymand-Hamet, Jean Delourme-Houdé and Daniel Vincent.
Research on the Ibogaïne continued in the United States where doctor W. I. Taylor of CIBA Pharmaceutical Company, completed the chemical identification of the molecule. Research on effects of the Ibogaïne were led by the scientific CIBA Jurg Schneider, who became thereafter the president of the chemical Division of DUPONT. But, the science was not even able to understand the ibogaïne. Other scientific studies of the same company were led. On animals, by doctor Harris Isbell, director of the federal hospital for the treatment of narcotics to Lexington. On black men, hooked to morphine, by the doctor Kentucky.
All information on his work disappeared.
Can we recover them in the Department of Defense or in files in the CIA?
In the sixties, Claudio Naranjo, a psychiatrist, as well as Leo Zeff, a psychologist, treated more than seven hundred patients with the ibogaïne. They came to the conclusion that the Ibogaïne was the most efficient drug that they never used in treatments for the psychiatric sick. The sixties were the time psychedelic experiences were made and a young man of nineteen years old, Howard Lotsof, led experiences on himself and his friends who had driven him to become héroïno-cocaïne addict. When he and his friends experimented the ibogaïne, five on seven among them interrupted their addiction without any side effect. The relation of Howard to the heroine and the cocaine had changed completely: whereas it discerned the heroine and the cocaine as bringing him a certain well-being before trying the ibogaïne, after, they appeared to him as if the represented death. Lotsof made the choice to live.
He battled some months before getting ibogaïne again, gave some to 19 people of which seven were drug-addicted. But what renders the experience of Lotsof so interesting, is that none among them had the intention to stop the drug, and that five quit their consumption, without feeling any lack during the cure, for more than six months.
Howard, that had the Ibogaïne at his disposal, did not sink back into drugs for three and a half years. " After an unjustified stay in jail ", Lotsof became again hooked to heroine and undertook a cure to the méthadone, early 1970. Everybody believed at the time that the addiction was irreversible, but Howard, whom had known the Ibogaïne, succeeds in clearing himself of heroine and, more difficult again, of méthadone. He was an example for other hooked people to this substance (Invented in thirties in Germany and named according to the name of the Führer: The Adolphine.)
The interruption of addiction
In the beginning of the eighties, thinking that the faculty that had the Ibogaïne to interrupt addiction was primordial, Lotsof decided to enter into a real crusade to make the Ibogaïne accessible to drug addicts. He spent one year therefore studying everything that was appeared on the ibogaïne, and contacted the National Institute Drug Abuse (NIDA) where one answered to him that it was necessary to confirm his hypotheses by experiences on animals.
But, it was then impossible to get the Ibogaïne in the United States.
A small sample was purified by the French scientists of the CNRS and doctor M.R. Dzoljic tested effects of the Ibogaïne on hooked to morphine rats, and got some positive results. Confidant with this information, Dr Stanley Glick of Albany tea " Medical College " started to study the properties of Ibogaïne. He made publication after publication, demonstrating that the Ibogaïne reduces the lack to morphine, and annul some effects of morphine and cocaine in the brain.
Joins soon in his works by doctor Patricia Broderick of the " City University of New York " and doctor Henry Sershen of the " Nathan Cline Institute ". The scientific experimentations demonstrated the efficiency of the ibogaïne.
In 1991, doctor Charles of "Lederle Laboratories", a pharmaceutical enterprise, becomes the director of the Division of Development of the Medicine to the NIDA. He spent the millions of dollars in fundamental research on the ibogaïne, and was promoted to another station immediately, knowing that the old beards of the NIDA refuse everything that has not been invented for the NIDA. It then became obvious that the institution would only finance research having the tendency to prove the inefficiency of the ibogaïne.
The war of the Ibogaïne began.
The intimate friend of Lotsof, Bob Sisko, killed himself progressively to cocaine. After having succeeded in making break the vow of Lotsof to treat more human topics, Bob was treated, and his consumption of a quarter to a half ounce of coke per day was stopped after a simple sitting of ibogaïne. He drank a strong alcohol quarter liter per day and went to a lot more modest consumption of wine or beer. In fact, since Bob, to his big surprise, stopped the alcohol completely and reduced his ritual consumption of two packets of cigarette per day. His friends didn't want to believe it. No one had seen a similar thing then.
Sisko now understood the power of this African sacred plant. While Howard continued methodically and slowly his work, as well as possible, Sisko went in Europe with a small quantity of Ibogaïne that he had gotten from friends in Africa. In Holland he dealt with success a young couple hooked to heroine (Geerte Franken and friend.) The rumor spilled information quickly, and very quickly, Nico Adriann, one of leaders of the " Addict's Union Holland " a social worker to the "Europeen Addiction Research Institute " of the Erasmus " university " of Rotterdam, was taken care of of his heavy addiction to heroine thanks to the ibogaïne. Sisko let go of the Ibogaïne remaining with him and Nice took care of his friend with success. A sitting leading to another, the concerned people, drug addicts, began to ask the same rights that the other patients had in term of medical prescription. After one year of discussion with Howard Lotsof, professor J., Bastien, a famous Dutch psychiatrist, started treating his first patient. History was in the making.
To reduce the transmission risks of AIDS / to Reduce addiction
In 1992, Dana Beal, an activist of AIDS recognized the relations between cause and that he exists between the transmission of AIDS and the interruption of an addiction. Beal got in contact with Rommel Washington, a social worker of Harlem, specialized in the treatment of addiction and informed him of the effects of the ibogaïne. Washington thought that the African American community could influence the NIDA to make cures accessible to the public. He convened the first rally around the Ibogaïne at the Harlem Hospital of New York, in 1992. We saw there doctors and social workers as well as the black activist Dhoruba Bin Wahad. The rally delivered a permission for M. Washington to go to the first symposium organized on the topic in Europe, under the high authority of the professor J., Baastian. We saw there, among others, Dr Mash and J. Sanchez-Ramos of the university of medicine of Miami that has been impressed by the therapeutic effects of the ibogaïne, that they got the permission of the university to ask for the authorization to the FDA to undertake the survey of effects of the Ibogaïne on human in the United States. After some difficulties, doctor Mash and the university of Miami got in 1993 the authorization to pursue the first experimentations on the human topics in the States.
In March 1995, Brother Shine organized the second, and more important rally on Ibogaïne in Harlem where Eddie Ellis, Dhoruba Bin Wahad, Warren Harry and Rommel Washington founded the Black Coalition one Drug (B.C.O.D.), in answer to the lack of information of the black community with regard to the alternative treatments for the interruption of addiction. The BCOD asked that some black professionals are implied in programs of cures to the ibogaïne.
Brother Shine, representing the African Descendants' Awareness Movement (A.D.A.M.), declared: " I have the impression that people that take care to treat addicts are afraid when one pronounces the word of Ibogaïne, and that, maybe because people were ill-informed on this topic. A lot of people think that we believe that the Ibogaïne is a miracle potion that takes care of all pains. Whereas what we believe, is that a person having received a treatment to the Ibogaïne must imperatively follow a psychotherapeutic cure. All person interrupting his/her addiction and changing nothing of his/her life style, not recreating any social ties, is one that is called inevitably to fall again ".
In the mean time, R., Washington had, not only attended sittings of cure in Holland, but also visited Lotsof in his clinic of Panama, where one manages cures to the ibogaïne.
ADAM and BCODS foresee to meet in order to inform communities on the Ibogaïne and other cures alternatives.
City Sun, october 4-10, 1995, Brooklyn., NY
Links :
Here is the whole truth about tobacco.
This other link will take you to a Tableau of illnesses, their respective causes and solutions.
Then, beneficial herbs will introduce you to a few natural remedies.
To the main page on health.
To Books and words, containing what I have written and put on the Internet since 1994, all from dreams.
To Gods and Men. This site contains messages from my discussion list, messages that someone in a dream asked me to translate from French to English.