The woman crushes the head of the serpent
Hello people,
"The woman crushes the head of the snake, in John's vision,
"What does it mean and what will that change in the world?
Here it is :
"When God came out of his sleep, commonly know as the Big Bang, there was Wisdom and Intuition.
"Then, the adam arrived : God created man - male and female.
"We saw in Genesis that man was separated in two poles. Time passed and man - male and female - forgot his divine origins. Because the masculine pole was physically stronger than the feminine pole (some exegetes and priests say that the woman is lower because God created it from Adam's rib), he believed that he had domination on the feminine pole and he appropriated the Logos.
"The society is patriarchal since those times. The woman is disparaged in all societies, mistreated, etc. We know what man does to the woman.
"But, John's vision comes to re-establish the situation. The woman crushes the head of the snake. That means that the Intuition/Wisdom will recover its place. The error (head of the snake) will be crushed, to the gain of the intuition.
"The mother comes before the child. The dream comes before the interpretation. The intuition/Wisdom comes before the Logos (the verb, the speech, the mental.)"
In the night of Friday August 29, 2003 to Saturday August 30, 2003, at 1 o'clock in that night, I woke up with a dream that looked more like a speech and of which I deliver you the exact terms :
" The woman crushes the head of the snake. You read what will arrive. However, no one seized the spiritual range of the gesture.
" Eric wanted to bring some precision on the Logos while saying that this last had not been usurped by man - male -. I retorted that it was nevertheless that that man - male - did.
" And the dialogue stopped there. But no one asked the question on the real consequence of the woman's gesture.
" Here is the extraordinary stake of which it is question.
" Who is the woman? She is the man's divine nature - male and female.
" What is the error? It is not about the duality man/woman or the battle of the sexes nor of the predominance of a sex on the other. That of which it is about indeed and that is the basis of the whole human question, is the PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL duality.
" The error (head of the snake) is to believe that we evolved, that we only are physical bodies having evolved toward the standing station from the monkey or an impossible "missing link."
" This error will be corrected when man (male and female) will know and will accept that he is first a spiritual being.
" Consequence of this knowledge: the Logos will perfectly express itself in man - male and female -, because the Logos is the perfected verbalization of the Wisdom/Intuition of whom knows and accepts his divine nature.
" When the error will be corrected, we will know how to give speak (Logos) the Wisdom/Intuition. We will be able to and we will express ourselves - not as humans, but as gods.
" The human - physical and mental - appropriated the Logos. The male human assumed the right to dominate the female human because of an error of outlook that became a belief and one life style.
" But we can think like God because we are gods (Psalm 82), being the Spirits (son) of God (new Genesis).
" We will even be able to receive the terms of our texts, in dreams that looks like the things that we will write and/or will say, like that occurred for me this night and occurred already, a few years ago, before an exam. "
End of "dream".
Simon wrote:
I did not continue the dialogue because there were between us understanding errors and also to think more about the Logos.
I looked in the apocalypse for the verse where it is written that the woman crushes the head of the snake and I didn't find anything. This night, I dreamed that I held the apocalypse in my hands and that it was written: "The woman crushes the head of the snake."
Hey well!
About your dream, it is a terrific dream. But I must think, to meditate, before answering.
@ + Simon
Hello Simon,
It is well, Eric. Think, meditate.
But, my friend, there is always - you say errors of understanding, but I say - difficulties of understanding between us! And it is normal!
The text that I gave is not to interpret. It is a teaching that I have myself received that night and I had to share it.
P.S.: I think that if you - including Monique and I, for that matter -, can not find the passage where it is written that the woman will crush the head of the serpent, it is because it was erased from the book. For I, and Monique too, saw it, somewhere, a long time ago.
Marisa wrote
> Good evening boys,
> AMHA "The woman crushes the head of the snake" is to say that the Woman recovers her rights. She will dominate the snake (the wheel of the births and deaths) by her intuitive intelligence. She will unite the masculine and the feminine of the human being.
Hello Marisa,
Who is the woman?
She is the divine nature (of the man - male/female).
What is the error?
It is not about the duality male/female or the battle of the sexes nor of the predominance of a sex over the other. That of which it is about indeed and that is the basis of the whole human question, is the PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL duality.
The error (head of the snake) is to believe that we evolved, that we are only physical bodies having evolved toward the standing station from the monkey or an impossible "missing link." This error will be corrected when man (male/female) will know and will accept that he is first a spiritual being.
Consequence of this knowledge: the Logos will perfectly express itself in man (male/female), because the Logos is the perfected verbalization of the Wisdom/Intuition of those who know and accept their divine nature (represented by the woman).
When the error will be corrected, we will know how to give speak (Logos) the Wisdom/Intuition. We will be able to and we will express ourselves - not as humans, but as gods.
The woman in question, Marie, is the DIVINE NATURE. It is the divine nature that will recover its rights.