Welcome to you all. You will discover here the extraordinary history of creation, from Cosmic Consciousness to man. I am happy that you found the courage to look for answers, to search for the truth and to satisfy your legitimate curiosity.

But first, a few words as to why and how I came to write what will follow.

Every morning, I come down to the kitchen for breakfast. Nothing extraordinary in that. If my mother is already there, she asks me if I had any dream. Usually, my answer is positive.

Every morning, mother and I used to tell each other's dreams. That morning was no exception. What was exceptional was the dream I had on that morning, that October of 2002.

According to the dream, I was to rewrite Genesis. Just that: rewrite Genesis, the Bible's first book.

This task seemed, for a moment, impossible. Where was I to start? What was I to write?

Since Genesis recounts the beginnings of everything, I decided to start at the very beginning, the beginning of all beginnings: what was, before God.

I will define the very nature of God. Most people think there is one or deny there is a Something called God that created the universe and all else, but few know Its nature. This is where I start, at the very beginning.

Here is Genesis: a new vision!




In the beginning, there was Infinite Space. In It, there was a Mass. This is God. Nothing else existed. God was pure Energy or Pure Spirit. God is all that exists and nothing that exists is not Him; Love, Beauty, Goodness, Spirit, Intelligence, Law, Wisdom, Life, ect. All exist at the perfect level because everything is God.

To understand, let's use this example. Let's say this Mass is like a square of asbestos. Suddenly, there was an inner stirring inside this Mass. This movement was the awakening of Consciousness. It provoked the separation of all the fibres that were composing the Mass. Each fibre was Pure Energy or Pure Spirit or God in Its totality. Nothing changed in their nature. These Pure Spirits, these Sons of Space recognized their individuality and their identity, because Consciousness brings one to recognize self. We call these Spirits, Angels. We, each of us, separately and collectively, became conscious of being One. The Angels are thus ourselves, us, all of humanity, past, present and future. We were and still are God with all the powers and all the responsibilities that this state entails.

This consciousness of being gave a soul to the Angels we were. The soul is the divine vehicle of our emotions and feelings. The soul is one with the Spirit. If we can know and give Love, it is because we have a soul.


Ideas started to form within us and the creative forces were activated. We kept thinking and we created the universe and all that is in it. Happy, we took delight in what we had created and we sang in the universe.

How many "days" did it take us to create the universe? Not days, actually. Billions of years. Sixty, to be exact. The first light, that of a sun, appeared thirteen billions years ago. That is why the scientists say the universe was created at that time.


Some time during the enjoyment of our creation of the universe, an Angel named Lucifer, decided to take advantage of one particular Angel. That was the first mistake. At that moment, other Angels "said" no to that intention. The Angel who said no was Mikael, the first to take position. Because of this, he became an Archangel, a Chief, a Captain of souls. Others sided with him, also becoming Captains, Archangels.

Man did not commit the first sin, an Angel did. In joining Lucifer, the rebels lost their innocence. They were then called "Sons of Belial" [Belial is Lucifer's new name. The change of name is to mark a disunion with God. A battle was in the making. It happened that these "Sons of Darkness" stood against others. The "Sons of Light", whom true to their purpose were victorious.

Why did Lucifer think he could get away with such an act? He thought he could replace God. Let's remember that the name Lucifer means "Bearer of Light". His name went to his head, so to speak. He also thought himself to be superior to others.

The other Angels believing in the "Law of One", holding firm to it as the Law of Love reacted.

Because of their relative loss of consciousness, the Sons of Darkness (of Belial) could not maintain the conscious level as the "Sons of Light". With their loss of consciousness, the "Sons of Darkness" fell.


This happened ten millions years ago. The rebellious Angels were exiled to Earth. There was life on the planet, with all kinds of animals. These Angels were still creators and mixed with the animals. Without a clear consciousness they created new life to integrate themselves. Earth knew then the appearance of "mermaids", "centaurs", "sphinxes", etc. They found themselves prisoners of their own creations, theses beastlike creatures. The Joy of Being and consciousness were gone, as well there belief of the presence of God. That belief made them lose the memory of their divinity.


Seeing the Earth with the fallen the Archangel Gabriel took it upon himself to rescue them, two hundred thousand years ago. The fallen Angels embroiled in matter and exhibiting queer bodies - mermaid, fawns, unicorns and others, needed help. Known now as Amilius he crafted a plan with other Archangels. It was decided that we would come down on Earth to remind the rebels of their divinity and to show them the way back to the glory of God.

Amilius saw the great apes, Earth's products, and decided to create a model that would fit an Angel: a human body. With their creative minds the fallen would hopefully be inspired by these new beings. Amilius and His friends thus created spiritual humanlike bodies for themselves.

Angels landed in five different places and created for themselves perfect spiritual bodies as models for those beastlike fallen souls. This was the origin of the five races.


Amilius took a human name: Adam. He understood that evolution would be a very long process. In order to accelerate evolution, he split this spiritual man into its two emanations, the positive and the receptive, as there was already two sexes on Earth among the animal kingdom. The first man, thus separated into its two sides, became Adam (positive) and Eve (receptive). Every Angel and Archangel who came with Amilius went through the same process. From this separation were created what we call twin souls. Even separated, the (twin) souls remains one in spirit. On Earth, each human being is one half of an Angel having, somewhere on Earth or on the other side (the dead), its unique and eternal counterpart.


Time went on. Gradually, we all lost our innocence because of the human knowledge we acquired. We fell into a terrestrial mentality which took over, over the length of millions of years for many (the fallen angels) and thousands for others (the adamic race).

In the meantime, the fallen Angels learned how to evolve. A great number among the "Sons of Light" mingled with the "Sons of Darkness" and found their daughters beautiful.

What followed was the encasing in matter. We lost the knowledge that we were spiritual beings. But the way back home was also starting. Incased in matter, we could start to remember our divinity. Twelve thousand years ago, completely encased in matter, we lost the ability to get out of our body at will. We then had to die and be born again (reincarnation principle). Only one of us could still escape Earth at will: Gabriel-Amilius-Adam who was then known as the god Hermes-Trismegiste, the architect of the great pyramid. Hermes is a Greek name. Trismegiste is a Roman name. Amilius-Adam was named many names by those who lived in those times and wrote the ancient History.


Gabriel manifested many times in a spiritual body. At the time of Abraham, He was the High Priest Melchizedek (who was without father and mother). The first time that Gabriel took on a physical body was as Joseph, Pharoh's interpreter of dreams, the eleventh child of Jacob and Rachel. His mother Rachel, on her dying bed, told him not to forget the goal of his mission: to bring humanity back to God.

Later on, the archangel Gabriel incarnated again and again. He was never alone. Six other Archangels always accompanied Him. He inspired many prophets, through their dreams and meditations.

Then came the time of Jesus. Gabriel is Jesus. Were with Him, in the Palestine of the time, the Archangels who had accompanied Him all through his other incarnations. It is in that experience that Jesus became the Christ. The game was over for him. He had won mastery over human nature. He had shown us THE WAY, becoming THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. With Mary his twin soul, he has ascended to the status of Throne in the angelic hierarchy.


Spiritual communication is a constant between the two (2) separated emanations of the spirit or Angel, but not often perceived by the rational being we have become. It is this other part of us that we look for without tiring. Adam, when He became Jesus in His last incarnation, found His twin. It was Mary, His mother.

Twin souls almost always find themselves inside their immediate family, as in relatives, because the spirit is the same.


There are twin souls, as we saw, and there are soul mates. We all come for a reason that often remains unknown to us. All through the years and hundreds of incarnations, man established affective links with a number of people, usually between 18 and 35 souls, depending on the task at hand. Everything is determined in advance, even before we incarnate. The primordial idea remains, always, within us: the return to the glory of God. Our innocence will be enriched by everything we have acquired on our long voyage.

The people that compose these groups are souls mates. We find them in affective and emotional situations, from incarnation to incarnation. It is often in the middle of relatives that we find them.

Of course, there are other associations. It so happens that sometimes, at first sight, we feel something for someone even if we think we see this person for the first time. It is as if we always knew the person. And that is true. The love that we once felt can not die. Over the purely physical attractions that can be short lived, profound love built over ages stays, eternally.

End of Part One.

The text that follows is a compilation of two regressions I conducted a few years ago.
I use these texts because they perfectly answer the needs of this new version of Genesis.
By a simple technique, I (Conductor) brought the Subject to the Alpha level of consciousness.
Then I send the Subject to the Akasha (the akashic records or God's Big Book). There, the Subject took the book I was referring to.

We begin...


Conductor: You will tell us the first stories. What were the first interests of the entities? How did they manifest and/or create? The book that you have chosen recounts these, step by step.

Subject: I see a king. We are here to make a plan. Each has its specialty and takes his sector of exploration. I see a king. King of spade. It represents the Great Monarch. We all are dressed in white, kind of like a sport attire with no density at all.

Conductor: The king is organizing something?

Subject: He is there, like an image. We think about his plan.

Conductor: Is the plan about the earth's organization?

Subject: Yes. We put our books away. We are going on a mission. Everyone went to different places; we were not many at the time. About 10 people.

Conductor: You were like a vanguard?

Subject: Yes. I travel in nature. in the forest. There are no people. We build a boat. We left a place where there was sand. There are palm trees. We study the fishes close to the beach.

Conductor: Why?

Subject: Maybe to find a cure. To study.

Conductor: You are from a group of scientists?

Subject: Yes, truly, because we have our papers with us.

Conductor: Turn another page.

Subject: We will go into the forest. The great apes.

Conductor: You study them too?

Subject: Yes. We are 3 or 4, no more and we take notes. One of our companions is gone to visit a volcano. We are going toward a city. There is a concentration of people. Everyone is like ethereal. This is a very brilliant city, like it was made of thoughts, like glass. It was like this: many were thinking about it and were taking the decision to build it. But not me. I am interested in something else. There... I see flowers; the beach; the storm. Wind and sand storm.

Conductor: You are in a desert?

Subject: On the fringe of it. I see people, a small village, children.

Conductor: Ethereal people, like you?

Subject: They are not like us. They look like "Things", you know? Mermaids, centaurs, sphinxes... Parents give advice on plants. How they should eat these. Oh! This part is over.
I go someplace else. I meet people that I know. Many decide to get into matter and to get the job done. I do not want to... but... I accept a very difficult job and I must come into this world, become like those we studied...
They are dense. I will loose my freedom, loose the freedom of my white garment, of my garment of pure light. It is cold, humid and heavy. But, also, the only way to understand earth's misery. I accept but not right away...
Already, our clothing is not so white. The whiteness has disappeared. It is light green. I still have my papers. Don't know what to do with them.
I go back toward the sun, over Earth. I know I will come back. I am with people I know, friends, and we have some fun. We will come back to teach.

Conductor: It is not enough to know things, we have to become them?

Subject: this is not a demand on us, but an agreement. We go, by two's, trees'. One stays behind. He will come.

Conductor: What was promised to us? What will we gain from this?

Subject: We will find again our clothes of light. We will acquire emotions. We will live into and conquer our own matter, meaning the body, that that we will become. Some of us are teachers. We gave life to the matter that we became, that we now are. We will make this matter grow and flourish. It must reach the light. We will do it so that human nature becomes spiritual. Everyone will be happy. Those who do not come to Earth will not know. They will not feel. They see it but do not feel it.

Conductor: You first manifested or you were born? And, if we manifested, how did we become dense?

Subject: I manifested. I was not ready to be born. As to how, here is the answer: we were like ethereal clouds. We slowed down. We looked around and then, near Earth, we felt the desire not to go farther. But we did not touch Earth at once. A Ray of Pure Light talked to us and told us that we should go. We accepted.
I walked in the woods. I looked at the people. You see people, you talk. It is as if you become grounded. It was like a game. While playing this game, you accomplish your destiny, your mission.
I had the impression I was putting on an armour. It was heavy. This armour was gluing us to the ground. This was a strange environment. Our natural state was space and the fact that we could fly.

Conductor: How did we get so dense?

Subject: It happened slowly. The armour was strong. The more we came down toward Earth, the more the armour took on weight. We came down slowly enough and the armour built itself.
We created ourselves.

Conductor: How long did this process take?

Subject: It took a very long time. Longer that a falling feather.
Later on, I saw a sad woman. Sad because she saw the small people prisoners of matter; they could not grow. They were the small people of the forest, the very big forest, too big for them. This woman was sitting on a throne. Its base was already sinking into matter. It is in this manner that she chooses to incorporate. I thought she was the Great Priestess (Tarot card). We did not speak in those times. But she invited me to do as she.
It is all right. She became like the small people...

Conductor: What are you doing among the small people?

Subject: I prepare vegetables, some cooking; I did not forget about my papers. I hope to accomplish what I must. Now, our preoccupations are different. I must survive. There are many people, dressed in green. Small cabin made of straw.

Conductor: Turn the page.

Subject: I am speaking with the woman: " This is not funny. But it is this way that we learn to feel. She too has a big job. This woman, she loved the small people so much so that she wanted them to be able to grow too. We talk to them and tell them of what is overhead, above the trees, in the sky, in space. We will give them the desire to go beyond Earth. They look interested. They will eventually understand.

Conductor: Who are they? Where do they come from?

Subject: They usually do not come near people. They live in the forest. This was a curiosity for people. They were not from the sage generation of souls. Two distinct creations, two very different races. These, they fell on Earth. And, because they fell, they lost most of their consciousness. I see the elongated head of one of them.

Conductor: Why did they disappear from the face of the Earth but not of human memory?

Subject: They could not survive. Could not follow evolution. A few, more cunning, came our of the forest. I see them in the sand looking at people. Some were adopted. I see a woman who wants to adopt one.

Conductor: Turn the page

Subject: I went back to my papers. I must give a report. Everyone talks about the experiences. We now know that this is a full-time job. We will come back and back again. But it is not without hope. There is a possibility that this will one day stop.
Our clothes are not so white as before. They have a greenish color in the light.

Conductor: Our clothes will change color as we go along?

Subject: Yes. I see orange now. This is more encouraging.

Conductor: What happened?

Subject: My king of spade, a Ray of yellow light is happy, It dances. Says we worked well.


The original sin as described in Genesis and explained by supposedly learned people is not what people think it is. Adam and Eve did not eat an apple. What separated us from God was the fact that we ate the mental fruit. Yes, a mental fruit. The apple represents the mental as the tree represents the human being. We were spiritual beings, souls, and we became humans. In our human armour, we forgot our true origin, for the mental is forgetful. That and only that constitutes the so-called "sin".

Incorporated, humans slowly forgot the specifics of creation when they began to think with the mental instead of receiving from their intuition, as before. It is around these times that “God asked Adam to name the things” around him. Adam was ready to “eat the apple”, or, in other words, to use the mental. The loss of memory of the true nature is named "sin" by ancient writers and prophets who did not know anymore what had happen. It is not a sin nor is it a mistake. It is the result of our immersion into matter, and the use of the mental, which became the basis of our apprenticeship [in and] of materiality.


Did Cain kill his brother Abel just for a plate of meat? The circumstances of this drama are thus: To please God, Cain offers some vegetables. Abel offers meat. Abel's sacrifice pleases God. Not what his brother offered. Jealous and not understanding why God prefers his brother's offering over his, Cain kills his brother.

Why? To understand this, one must know the significance of the names: Abel, in Aramaic, means "the soul and idealized human nature". Cain, in the same language, means "the body and all materialistic human desires".

Abel is essentially a vegetarian while his brother is a meat eater. The lesson to learn here is very serious. Abel's sacrifice demonstrated his desire of exalting the soul and spiritual qualities. Abel's sacrifice also means that he will not eat meat.

As for Cain, he demonstrated that he thought himself to be of the Earth. Plain and simple.

The whole lesson is thus: if we do not acknowledge our true nature and take this into consideration in our daily activities, our human nature will kill our spiritual nature.


Where did this woman come from if there were only Adam and Eve and then Cain, for his brother was dead? Classical Genesis says nothing on this matter. It does not mention at all that there were other humans on the planet. Hard to believe that the whole human race came from one couple and a murderer.

We have to know that the words of the "Subject" in the Regression and those of Edgar Cayce are true. There were hundreds of thousands of people on the planet, a few of us teachers, divided in 5 races established on 5 continents.

Cain took his bride among these people [in the actual Afganistan].


Many pages of Genesis enumerate the number of years Adam lived, the numbers of years his children lived and their children. Many lived close to a thousand years.

Genesis, Chapter 6,1: the adam (meaning man) became multitudes on the surface of the Earth; to these multitudes are born daughters. The sons of the gods see the beauty of the girls the adam had and they make wives of them and all those they desire.

From this practice was born the "tradition" that permitted that a man took many wives. Man had already forgotten his spiritual heritage; he had already forgotten that he had one perfect companion. Because of this laps in memory, he gave himself all kinds of permissions forgetting the LAW: one man, one woman. Two make one.

These practices against [the] [divine] nature became traditions. In this, man was wrong, all through History, to take more than one wife. That is true for all religions.


Before the flood, man was essentially a vegetarian [although there were meat eaters, like Cain]. God had given, for food, to the adam - man, created male and female - and to all animals, every grass, fruit or root. After the flood, nothing grew anymore. Everything had been washed away.

Man still had to eat. God then gave Noah and his family all the beasts and all vegetable as food even if they were vegetarians. God said: "Everything is in your hands".

In the next passage from Genesis, God explains to Noah the principle of karma.

Genesis 9, 5-6: "I will ask your life to the one who spills your blood; I will ask it to the beasts, I will ask the life of the adam to the adam and to all the blood of his brother. The one who spills the adam's blood, his blood will be spilled.

This last sentence explains the principle. If you kill by the sword, you will die by the sword.


Genesis, Chapter 22: "Abraham's God asks: take your son, your only child, Isaac. Go and make him a holocaust... What exactly did God ask Abraham?

Because of the principle previously: told by God " I will ask your life to the one who spills your blood ", man, the analyst, the learned person who try to explain the Bible and all the sacred texts should have understood that God absolutely did NOT ask Abraham to kill his son!

What did God actually ask of Abraham? We must understand that God is NOT an entity separated from us. God in us ask us to kill our materialistic desires [our sons] for the son represents all that is born in us, on the mental plane, in the mental mind, that is: our ideas, our projects and our realizations in the physical world.

When we obey the Spirit's desires, when we accept to kill our own desires, we take the spiritual path.


Yhvh God told Isaac's pregnant wife, Rebecca: "Two nations are in your belly, two people divided in your womb; one people stronger than the other; the oldest one will serve the second". When they were born, Esaü came first in front of Jacob who was holding his brother by the ankle, thus his name, for Jacob's name means: "The one who holds by the ankle". It also means: "The one who holds God" and "The one who stands before gods and humans and wins". A third meaning that has a lot of significance: "the soul's illumination".

For a lentils' plate, Esau sold his birth right to his brother Jacob. Because of this, Jacob received his father's benediction, which should have been given to Esau because he was the firstborn. Isaac did not know this but Rebecca, the children's mother knew. Jacob lied to his father.

This imposture does not explain everything. What was the hidden reason? The answer is in God's words to Rebecca: "Two nations are in your belly, two people divided in your womb; one people stronger than the other; the oldest will serve the second". Esau, older and stronger than his brother will serve him. Esaü is the father of the Arabic people while Jacob is the father of Israel. (Genesis, Chapter 35, 11)


Every one knows the dream where Jacob saw a ladder. In that dream, Jacob sees a ladder firmly grounded on Earth with the top in the sky where god's Angels climb and/or come down.

For Jacob, this vision was a reminder. Angels do incarnate. After a while, they go back in the sky and come back down again for another life on the planet. This dream demonstrates the principle of reincarnation that the churches of the world do not want to acknowledge as a viable principle.


Jacob wanted to marry Rachel, one of his uncle's daughters. But he received Lea first. Outraged, Jacob demanded some explanations. Laban, his uncle, told him that, by tradition, the oldest should get married first.

In a way, Jacob was already paying for the thing he did his brother Esau. He paid this for a long 20 years because Laban forced him to work for him all through these years.

During those years, Jacob prospered. How? This is because of the benediction he received from his father. For all that was promised him, God acknowledged the promises made to Jacob and answered them by multiplying Jacob's fortune, wisdom and fruits [as in children]. He was to become the father of a nation.


After his departure from Laban's estate, but before he met again with his brother Esau, Jacob had a fight. Genesis 32:25-30. Someone battled with him until sunup, says the story. "Your name will not be Jacob but Israel. You have stood up before gods and men and you won" says the Angel. The Angel told Jacob exactly what his new name meant. But more than that, he told Jacob/Israel why he came to do on Earth.

This fight and results of the fight with the Angel of God signifies that "It is Ok for the human nature to take the road back to spirituality".

After is Joseph story. The only thing I will say is that this Joseph would later be known as Jesus. In Joseph, he suffered at the hands of his brothers. Later on, 2000 years ago, he became Christ. At that moment too, he suffered because of His convictions. None the less, He became Christ.

A short history of human beings:

- Caveman = 10,000,000 years BC. They were the first fallen angels sent to Earth after the battle between Lucifer and Michael. The scientific communitys, through anthropologists' studies, place these beings to about 6 to 7 millions years BC.
- Apparition of the Things, as Cayce called these mythical "beings": sirens, sphinxes, satyrs, centaurs, and the like. These Things were created by the fallen angels.
- Amilius = 200,000 years BC. Atlantis; (first manifestation of Jesus) - spiritual entity with a body; it is Amilius that instituted the LAW of One. With Amilius came more than 330,000 volunteers - all hermaphrodites.
- Rama = 103,000 years BC. India; (manifestation of Jesus) - spiritual entity with a body.
- Adam = 12,000 years BC. The actual Irak (between the Tigre and Euphrates rivers); (manifestation of Jesus) - spiritual entity with a body.
- Enoch = 10,865 years BC. Egypt; (manifestation of Jesus) also know as Hermes Trismegiste, constructor of the Big Pyramid; - spiritual entity with a body.
- Elie had a flesh body. But we don't know the date of his manifestation. It is after the journey in Egypt (10,865 years BC) that he came. After this date and the Egyptian period, all entities coming on earth, with the exception of "Jesus", had flesh bodies.
- Noah = 9600 years BC. [Noah was Enoch's great grandson]
- UHJLTD = 9000 years BC. Today's Iran; [Edgar Cayce, who was the father of
- ZEND (manifestation of Jesus]
- Abraham = 6000 years BC. Incarnation of archangel Michaël, Isaac's father (Archangel Uriel), and of Jacob (Archangel Rafael). [In the time of Abraham, lived
- Melchisedek (manifestation of Jesus); - spiritual entity with a body; it is said of him that he had no father, no mother.
It will be necessary to wait for the arrival of
- Jacob = a bit less than 6000 years BC, to see the first incarnation of the Amilius entity. Indeed, Jacob's eleventh son, Joseph, the one that had been sold by his brothers - is Jesus' first incarnation. He had, for the first time, a physical body, since he was born of the flesh.
- Moses = 1300 years BC.
- Joshua (incarnation of Jesus) = same period Moses lived in.
- Solomon (incarnation of Archangel Michael) and Asaph (incarnation of Jesus) and the Queen of Sheba (Archangel Michael in a feminine body) = about 1000 years BC.

Note: Humans never fought the missed form beings (the Things called sirens and other such beings). These beings found themselves not worthy of living. They died of their own thought, not being able to live amongst men. One was still being talked about, the one called Chiron, a centaur, who, apparently, thought Alexander (the Great) in his youth.

And now, the races: Unity in diversity

The Origin of the races from "Ancient Mysteries, ARE Press, Virginia Beach"

First Root Race: creation of a form of ethereal and androgynous humanity. 12 millions years ago. These beings were spiritual and possessed total freedom and were companions of God.

Second Root Race: 10 millions years ago. The free spirits wanted to implicate themselves into matter; they projected their thoughts into it. At the time, these beings were androgynous people. They could enter and leave their bodies at will. During many millions of years (10,000,000), these beings became more and more dense, forgetting they had spiritual powers, even forgetting their connection with Consciousness (these were the fallen Angels).

Third Root Race: It is at this moment that the Earth has known the creation of the Things, bizarre beings such as sirens, centaurs, sphinxes and the like, beings known to the Egyptians as well as the Greeks and others civilisations... There beings were created by the people of the Second Root Race to be slaves. They are thus considered to be the Third Root Race.

Fourth Root Race: The Christ Spirit saw what was happening on Earth and decided to come help these that had forgotten their spiritual origins. This was happening between 200,000 and 108,000 years BC. That precipitated the creation of the Adamic race.

12,000 years ago, this race – the Adamic – was ready to live on Earth. These are the humans as we know them today. Then happened a "universal" phenomena. The Christ Spirit incarnated in the Adams and Eves of the 5 different races (colours) and in 5 different places on the planet. Africa is not the only cradle of civilization but "one" of them.

Fifth Root Race: Some individuals with a special mission started to incarnate around the year 2000, but this new race will be born in great numbers starting in 2004, when the Great Pyramid of Giseh is aligned with the Polaris star. These beings will instinctively know about spirituality. Also, they will naturally be - or want to be - vegetarians. Their bodies will be lighter.

The Indigos, then, will be the members of the new Fifth Root Race. With this race, we will see the reappearing of psychic talents as they were lived thousands of years ago by the spiritual beings of the Second Root Race.

People who accept the new vibrations will gain in consciousness; they will learn and know the relations that exist between the universal creative forces and how to properly use them, in human and physical environment.

It appears that we are, as humans, en route toward the recuperation of all of our psychic talents. Racial divisions will disappear. The evolution curve is at its last stage. The Fifth Root Race, called the Indigos, will be spiritual and will take the world in its stride, that is, do not doubt it, the spiritualization of the human being.

Why did Lumeria and Atlantis became known only as myths? Mostly because they disappeared from the "face" of the earth. Even though Plato talked about Atlantis, modern studies still don't know where to place, exactly, this continent and the other, Lumeria (it was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean). For scientists, to acknowledge something, they must touch it or at least locate the remains and study them.


The red race incarnated in Atlantis, (near North America) in the mist of the Atlanteans and of the Second and Third Root Races. The white race incarnated near Mont Ararat, the Caspian Sea and actual Iran. The yellow race incarnated in the region of the Gobi desert (actual China). The black race in Africa (actual Sudan) and the brown race in the Andes and South America.

The colour of the skin did not have the importance many give it today. It was not a criteria for discrimination and segregation. The colours symbolised and interior law, a form of thought that contributed to one of the five senses. The sense affected in the yellow race was sound and hearing. The one of the white race was sight and vision; the one of the red race was sensations through touch. For the brown and black races, the affected senses were, respectively, smell and taste.

What the five races bring is important and every human being should incarnate in each and every race so as to know the spiritual ideas associated with each corresponding sense.

Last but not least the Ages of humanity and the era of Pegasus

ANCIENT MYSTERIES, September 2004, A.R.E. Press, Virginia Beach.

The Maya, Aztec, Toltec, Inca, Hopi, Navajo, and other peoples of the Americas have detailed legends concerning the Ages of Humanity. They all had different names for different Ages – the five suns, the five worlds – but the legends are similar.

The First Age was not as physical as we know it today. People and places existed in thought [my theory : Amilius and his band of volunteers arrive]. The Navajo explain that everything represented the « conception » of being, but all was not of matter. Even if everything was in its essence, in spirit, the First Age was a period of power and grandeur, but also of blackness and chaos. As in the biblical Genesis, a spirit of negativity appeared in the created. This spirit was going contrary to the normal order of Creation, causing hardship. In a few of the legends, the force of life destroyed the first age; in others, people looked for a better world, a place where evil was not, and constructed the Second Age. But discord was such that the created took on more substance and became more physical. The forces of life then gave them a « firmament », from where people could envision all of creation and the other levels of conscience : up, between and underneath or, in other words: the sky, the earth and the astral.

The Third Age wanted to progress. The plan of this third age consisted in "growing and planting", [Genesis] in order to become the best one could be. During this age, a race was created, according to the Maya. But the difficulties persisted and a vain spirit caused even more dispute than before. The created had power and free will, and many misused these forces. Many became sad; the wanted to find another place, another race, another age.

During the Fourth Age, all the magic and the powers that people possessed [12,000 years ago, according to my theory] were gone. Humanity became physical among the animal, with only its thought to guide it. Humanity was now solid, in a physical form, using a body that resembled that of the great apes. Losing much of our divine nature we become terrestrial beings in that age. We lost our nature in evolution, as well as our knowledge.

In the hearts of many stayed the desire to become better. So much so that in the Fifth Age -- the age of movement, according to the Maya. The light (the sun), according to the Navajo -- we start to understand, through many tests on the road, to see if we had made progress. Seeing if we could use our powers of free will in harmony with the forces of life.

The Aztec solar disk expires with the Fifth Age. This very age. But the legend states that there are two more ages to come. The first will be the Age of the "Spirit of the Living Things", a time where we will regain the conscience of the true nature of life and the cosmos, its divine nature.

The Sixth Age will begin around December 2012, date at which time the Mayan calendar stops. This age will be that of Pagasus (and not that of Aquarius).
Here is an explanation of the phenomenon:
On the astronomical chart, between the Pieces and Aquarius eras, there is Pegasus, a constellation that is not on the ecliptic, but slightly above - and that must influence the next centuries. Pegasus, is the horse, the Cabal... The Earth is under the influence of Pegasus from the end of the XX th century until year 3000 or so.
And, to every sign - every Small Year - corresponds a civilisation.
However, as each knows, we are currently in the era of Pieces, because this vernal point entered in this constellation in 148 BC, according to Héraclite. And must leave around 2010 or 2011 to enter the era of Aquarius toward the year 3000 according to the chart of the National Institute of Geopgraphy. The one thousand years of interval between the era of Pieces and of the Aquarius is represented by the constellation of Pegasus.
The next civilization will be spiritual. It will live at the era of the Indigos, the fifth root race. Its prophet will be the Archangel Michael.
[Personal note: this Sixth Age is the 1000 years period of peace announced by Saint-John in Revelation.]

The Final Age is called, by the Navajo, "The era where we will melt into ONE". In this last age, all life will regain its sense of unity and will be reunited with its original Source, from which all is.
[Personal note : Nostradamus predicted this age for the year 3500.]


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For questions or comments Email me: Pierre

Page corrected on May 21, 2017