Simon wrote: Today, I propose the first book of the laws of Manou, an antique manuscript.

This book has, to me, a lot "more divine" sense than the Bible for the simple reason that all is given in an incomparable respect to the whole Jewish violence. How were the inhabitants of the antiquity (of India more especially) able to be as evolved? As big? They surpass us even today!

There are 119 verses, good reading!





1. Manou was seated, having his controlled thought toward only one object; the Maharchises adored him, and, after having greeted him with respect, addressed him these words :

2. "Lord, condescend to declare us, accurately, and while following the order, the laws that concern all primitive classes, and the classes been born of the mixture of the first.

3. "You only, oh Lord, know the acts, the principle and the real sense of this universal rule, existing by herself, inconceivable, whose human reason cannot appreciate the extent, and that is the Veda. "

4. So interrogated by these magnanimous beings, the one whose power was immense, after having greeted them all, made them this wise answer: "Listen", he told them.

5. This world was dived in obscurity; imperceptible destitute of all distinctive attribute, not can be discovered by the reasoning, nor to be revealed, it seemed entirely delivered to the sleep.

6. "When the length of the dissolution (Pralaya) was to its term, then the existing Lord by himself, and that is not accessible to the external senses, making audible this world with the five elements and the other principles, resplendent of the purest burst, appeared and dissipated the obscurity, that means, developed the nature (Prakriti).

7. "The one that the only mind can discern, that escapes to the organs of the senses, that are without parts visible, eternal, the soul of all beings, that no one can understand, opened out his own splendor.

8. "Having solved, in his thought, to make emanate of his substance the various creatures, he produced the waters in which he first deposited a germ.

9. "This germ became a brilliant egg as gold, as vivid as the star to the one thousand rays, and in which the supreme being was born himself under the shape of Brahmâ, the ancestor of all beings.

10. Waters have been called nârâs, because they were the production of Nara (the divine spirit); these waters having been the first place of movement (ayana) of Nara, he has, consequently, been named Nârâyana (the one that moves on waters).

11. "By what is, by the imperceptible, eternal reason, that really exists and don't exist for the organs, has been produced this divine male (Pouroucha), celebrate in the world under the name of Brahmâ.

12. "After having stayed in this egg one year of Brahmâ, the Lord, by his only thought, separated this egg in two parts;

13. "And, of these two parts, he formed the sky and the earth; at the middle he placed the atmosphere, the eight celestial regions, and the permanent reservoir of waters.

14. "He expressed the supreme soul, the feeling (Manas) that exists by his nature, and don't exist for the senses; and before the production of the feeling, the Ahankâra (the I), monitor and main sovereign;

15. "And, before the feeling and the conscience, he produced the big intellectual principle (Mahat), and everything that receives the three qualities, and the five organs of intelligence destined receivable the outside objects, and the five organs of the action, and the rudiments (Tanmâtras) of the five elements.

16. "Having united of the imperceptible molecules of these six gifted principles of a big energy, to know, the subtle rudiments of the five elements and the conscience to particles of these same principles, transformed and become the elements and the senses, then he trained all beings.

17. "And because the six imperceptible molecules emanated of the substance of that supreme Being, to know the subtle rudiments of the five elements and the conscience, to take a shape, joins these elements and these organs of the senses; because of it, the sages designated this God's visible shape under the name of Sarira (that receives the six molecules).

18. "The elements penetrated there with functions that are clean to them, as well as the feeling (Manas), inexhaustible source of the beings, with infinitely subtle attributes.

19. "By means of subtle particles and provided of a shape, of these seven principles (Pourouchas) gifted of a big energy, intelligence, the conscience, and the subtle rudiments of the five elements, has been formed this perishable universe, emanation of the imperishable source.

20. "Each of these elements acquires the quality of the one that precedes it, so that, more an element is distant in the set, more it has qualities.

21. "The supreme being also assigned, since the principle, to every creature in particular, a name, of the acts, and a manner to live, according to words of the Veda.

22. "The sovereign Lord produced a multitude of God (Devas) essentially acting, gifted of a soul, and an invisible troop of Geniuses (Sâdhyas) and the sacrifice instituted since beginning.

23. Fire, air and the sun, he expressed for the achievement of the sacrifice, the three eternal Vedas, named Ritch, Yadjous and Sâma.

24. "He created the time and the divisions of the time, the constellations, the planets, the streams, the seas, the mountains, the plains, the unequal lands…;

25. "The austere devotion, the speech, the pleasure, the desire, the anger, and this creation, because he wanted to give existence to all beings.

26. "To establish a difference between the actions, he distinguished the rightly and the unjust, and submitted these creatures sensitive to the pleasure and to the pain, and to the other opposite conditions.

27. "With fine particles (mâtrâs) of the five subtle elements, and that are perishable to the state of coarse elements, everything that exists has been formed successively.

28. "When the sovereign Lord destined such or such first to be enlivened to any occupation, that to be accomplished him of himself, all times that he comes back to the world.

29. "Whatever is the quality that he gave him in sharing at the time of the creation, the spitefulness or goodness, the sweetness or uncouthness, the virtue or vice, the veracity or the falsity this quality comes to recover it spontaneously in the births that follow.

30. "As well as the seasons, in their periodic return, take their special attributes naturally, in the same way the animate creatures take the occupations that are clean to them.

31. "However, for the propagation of the human race, his mouth, his arm, his thigh and his foot, he produced the Brahmin, the Kchatriya, the Vaisya and the Soûdra.

32. "Having divided his body in two parts, the sovereign Lord became half male and half female, and, while uniting to this female part, he generated Virâdj.

33. "Learn, nobles Brâhmanes, that the one that the divine male (Pouroucha), named Viradj, produced himself, while delivering themselves to an austere devotion, it is I, Manou, the creator of all this universe.

34. "It is I that, wanting to give birth to the human kind, after having practiced the most laborious austerities, first produced ten eminent Holy (Maharchis), Lords of the creatures (Pradjâpatis):

35. "Maritchi, Atri, Angiras, Poulastya, Poulaha, Kratou, Pratchétas or Dakcha, Vasichtha, Bhrigou and Nârada.

36. "These beings. created almighty seven other Manou, the God (Devas)" and their homes, and of the Maharchis endowed with an immense power.

37. "They created the Gnomes (Yakchas), the Giants (Râkchasas), the Vampires (Pisâtchas), the celestial Musicians (Gandharbas), the Nymphs (Apsaras), the Titans (Asouras), the Dragons (Nâgas), the Snakes (Sarpas), the Birds (Souparnas), and the different tribes of the divine Forebears (Pitris);

38. "The lightnings, the thunderbolts, the clouds, the colored bows of Indra, the meteors, the whirlwinds, the comets, and the stars of various sizes;

39. "Of the Kinnarases, the monkeys, fish, the different cash of birds, livestock, the wild beasts, the men, the carnivorous animals provided a double row of teeth ;

40. "The earthworms, the verses, the grasshoppers, the lice, the flies, the bugs, and all species of pungent mosquitos; finally, the different bodies deprived of movement.

41. "It was as well as, according to my order, these magnanimous sages created, by the power of their austerities, all this assembly of mobile and immobile beings, while adjusting themselves on the actions.

42. "I now go to declare you what particular acts have been assigned here below to each of these beings, and of what manner they come to the world.

43. "The beastly, the wild beasts, the carnivorous animals provided of two rows of teeth, the giants, the vampires and the men, are born of a matrix.

44. "The birds come out of an egg, as well as the snakes, the crocodiles, fish, the turtles, and of other sorts of animals is terrestrial as the lizard, either aquatic as fish to shell.

45. "The pungent mosquitos, the lice, the flies, the bugs are born of the hot steam; they are produced by the heat, as well as everything that resembles to them, as the bee, the ant.

46. "All bodies deprived of movement, and that push either of a seed, either of a branch put in earth, are born of the development of a bud: the herbs produce a great deal of flowers and of fruits, and perish when the fruits arrived to their maturity;

47. "The plants named kings of the forests don't have any flowers and carry some fruits; and or they also carry some flowers or only of the fruits, they receive the name of trees under these two shapes.

48. There are different sorts of shrubs growing is in bush, either in tuft; then various cash of the rampant and trailing plants. All these plants grow one seed or of a branch.

49. "Surrounded with the quality of obscurity shown under a multitude of shapes, because of their previous actions, these beings, gifted of an interior conscience, feel the pleasure and the pain.

50. "Such have been declared, since Brahmâ until the plants, the transmigrations that take place in this awful world, that constantly destroys itself.

51. "After having produced this universe and me thus, the one whose power is incomprehensible disappeared again, absorbed in the supreme soul, replacing the time of the creation by the time of the dissolution (Pralaya).

52. "When this God awakens, immediately this universe accomplishes its acts; when he falls asleep, the spirit dived in a deep rest, then the world dissolves itself.

53. "Because, during his restful sleep, the animate beings provided of the principles of the action leave their functions, and the feeling (Manas) tomb in the inertia, as well as the other senses :

54. "And when they dissolved themselves at the same time in the supreme soul, then this soul of all beings sleeps quietly in the most perfect quietude.

55. "After having retired in the primitive obscurity, it stays there a long time with the organs of the senses, doesn't accomplish its functions, and strips itself of its shape.

56. "When, uniting subtle elementary principles again, it enters a plant or animal seed, then it takes a new shape.

57. "This is as well as, by a wakening and by an alternative rest, the unchangeable being made to relive or to die eternally all this assembly of mobile and immobile creatures.

58. "After having composed this book of the law himself since the principle, he made it to me to learn by rote, and I learned Marîtchis and the other sages.

59. "Bhrigou, that here it is, will make you know the content thimble fully this book; because this Mouni learned it in whole of myself. "

60. Then the Maharchi Bhrigou, thus challenged by Manou, said with kindliness to all these Richises: Listen.

61. "Of this Manou Swâyambhouva (descended of the existing being of himself) take down six other Manous, that, each gave birth to a race of creatures; these Manous, gifted of a noble soul and a superior energy were:

62. "Swârotchicha, Ottomi, Tâmasa, Raivata, the glorious Tchâkchoucha, and the son of Vivaswat.

63. "These seven almighty Manous, of which Swâyyambhouva is the first, have each, during their period (Antara), product and controlled it hulls composed of mobile beings and immobile beings.

64. "Eighteen nimechas (winks of him) makes a kâchthâ; thirty kâchthâs; a kalâ, thirty kalâs, a mouhoûrta,: as much mouhoûrtas compose one day and one night.

65. "The sun establishes the division of the day and the night for the men and for the God; the night is for the sleep of the beings, and the day for work.

66. One month of the mortals is one day and one night of the Pitris; it divides in two fifteen: the fifteen crotchet is, for the Mânes, the day destined to the actions; and the fifteen half note, the night, dedicated to the sleep.

67. One year of the mortals is one day and one night of the God; and has what is the division of it: the day answers the northern course of the sun, and the night to its southern course.

68. "Now, learn by order, and succinctly -, what is the length of one night and of one day of Brahmâ, and of each of the four ages (Yougas).

69. "Four thousand divine years compose, according to the sages, the Krita-youga; the twilight that precedes is of as many hundreds of years; the twilight that follows is similar.

70. "In the three other ages, also preceded and follow-ups of one twilight, the thousand and the hundreds of years are decreased successively of an unit.

71. "These four ages that have just been enumerated being calculated together, the sum of their years, that is of twelve one thousand, is said the age of the God.

72. "Know that the meeting of one thousand divine ages composes Brahmâ in one short day, and that the night has an equal length.

73. "Those that know that the holy day of Brahmâ only finishes with one thousand ages and that the night kisses an equal spaces of time, truly know the day and the night.

74. "To the expiration of this night, Brahmâ, that was lulled, wake up; and, while waking up, he has the divine spirit emanated (Manas), that exists by his gas, and don't exist for the outside senses.

75. "Advanced by the desire to create, tried by the supreme soul, the divine spirit or the intellectual principle operates the creation, and give birth to the ether, that the sages consider as gifted of the quality of the sound.

76. The ether, operating a transformation, is born by force air, vehicle of all odors, pure and full, whose recognized property is the tangibility.

77. "By a metamorphosis of air is produced the light, that illuminates, dissipates the obscurity, shines, and that is declared to have the obvious shape for quality.

78. Light, by a transformation, is born the water, that has for quality the flavor; of water the earth comes, having for quality the odor: such is the creation operated since the principle.

79. "This age of the God above stated, and that kisses twelve thousand years divine, repeated seventy-one times, is what one calls here the period of a Manou (Manwantara).

80. "The periods of the Manou are innumerable as well as the creations and the destructions of the world, and the supreme being renews them while being played.

81. "In the Krita-youga, the Justice, under the shape of a bull, maintains itself farm on its four feet; the Truth reigns, and no good gotten by the mortals drifts of the iniquity.

82. "But in the other ages, by the illicit acquirement of the riches and the science, the Justice loses a foot successively; and replaced by the flight, the falsity and the fraud, the advantages, honest decrease one quarter gradually.

83. "The men, exempt of illnesses, get the achievement of all their desires, and live four hundred years during the first age; in the Tretâ-youga and the following ages, their existence loses a quarter of its length progressively.

84. "The life of the mortals declared in the Veda, the rewards of the actions and the powers of the animate beings, carry in this world of the fruits proportioned to ages.

85. "Some virtues are particular in the Krita age, of others in the Treta age, of others in the Dwâpara age, of others in the Kali age, in proportion of the decrease of these ages.

86. Austerity dominates during the first age, the divine science during the second, the achievement of the sacrifice during the third; according to the Sages, the only liberality during the fourth age.

87. "For the conservation of this whole creation, being sovereignly glorious assigned different occupations to those that he had produced from his mouth, his arm, his thigh and his foot.

88. "He gave in sharing in the Brâhmans the survey and the teaching of the Vedas, the achievement of the sacrifice, the direction of the sacrifices offered by others, the right to give and the one to receive;

89. "He imposed for duty in the Kchatriya to protect the people, to exercise charity, to sacrifice, to read the sacred Books, and not to give way to the pleasures of the senses.

90. To "take care of the beastly, to give alms, to sacrifice, to study the holy books, to make the trade, to lend to interest, to plow the earth, is the functions granted to the Vaisya.

91. "But the sovereign Lord didn't assign in the Soûdra that only one office, the one to serve the previous classes, without depreciating their merit.

92. "Above the navel, man's body has been proclaimed purer, and the mouth has been declared the purest part of it by the being who exists by himself.

93. "By his origin, that he pulls the noblest member, because he is born the first, because he possesses the Holy Writing, the Brâhmane is of right the Lord of all this creation.

94. "Indeed, it is he that the existing being by himself, after being delivered himself to austerities, produced since the principle of his own mouth, for the achievement of the offerings to the God and in the Mâneses, for the conservation of everything that exists.

95. "The one by the mouth of which the inhabitants of the Paradise constantly eat the clarified butter, and the Mâneses, the funeral meal, he would have what being for superior?

96. "Among all beings, the first are the animate beings; among the animate beings, those that subsist by the means of their intelligence: the men are the first between the beings

intelligent, and the Brâhmaneses, between the men;

97. "Among the Brâhmaneses, the most distinguished are those that possess the sacred science; among the scientists, those that know their duty; among these, the men who accomplish it with accurateness; among these last, those that the survey of the holy books drove to the beatitude.

98. "The birth of the Brâhmane is the eternal incarnation of the justice; because the Brâhmane, born for the execution of the justice, is destined to identify with Brahma.

99. "The Brâhmane, while coming to the world, is placed to the first rank on this earth; sovereign Lord of all beings, he must look after the conservation of the treasure of the civil and religious laws.

100. "Everything that this world contains is in a way the property of the Brâhmane; by his primogeniture and by his eminent birth, he has right to everything that exists.

101. "The Brâhmane only eats his own food, only wear his own clothes, only give his to have; it is by the generosity of the Brâhmane that the other men enjoy goods of this world.

102. "To distinguish the occupations of the Brâhmane and those of the other classes in the appropriate order, the wise Manou, that proceeds from the existing being by himself, composed this code of laws.

103. "This book must be studied throughout with perseverance educated Brâhmane, and to be explained by it to his disciples, but ever by no other man of a lower class.

104. "As not reading this book, the Brâhmane that accomplishes his devotions precisely, is soiled by no sinned in thought, in speech or in action.

105. "He purifies an assembly, seven of his forebears and seven of his descendants, and only merit to possess all this earth.

106. "This excellent book has all wanted thing gotten; it increases intelligence, procures the glory and a long existence, leads to the supreme beatitude.

107. "The law finds exposed himself completely of it, as well as the good and the pain of the actions and the immemorial customs of the four classes.

108. "The immemorial custom is the main law approved by the Revelation (Srouti) and the Tradition (Smriti); consequently, the one that wants the good of his soul must always conform with perseverance to the immemorial custom.

109. "The Brâhmane that departs of the custom doesn't taste the fruit of the Holy Writing; but if he observes it precisely, he gets a complete harvest.

110. "So the Mounises, having recognized that the law drifts of the immemorial custom, adopted these customs approved for basis of all devout austerity:

111. "The birth of the world, the rule of the sacraments (Sanskâras), duties and a pupil's conduct in theology (Brahmatchâri), the important ceremony of the bath that the pupil takes before leaving his master, when his novitiate is finished;

112. A wife's choice, the various fashions of marriage, the manner to accomplish the five big oblations (Mahâ-Yadinas), and the celebration of the funeral service (Srâddha) legatee since the principle;

113. "The different means to sustain his life, duties of a house master (Grihastha), food permitted and those that are defended, the purification of the men and the one of the utensils, used;

114. "The regulations that look at the women, the austere duty of the Vânaprasthases or anchorites, the one of the Sannyâses or religious ascetic, and that drives to the beatitude (Mokcha), the renouncement to the world, a king's duties, the decision of the judicial business;

115. "The by-laws that concern the testimony and the investigation, duties of the wife and the husband, the law of sharing of the successions, the defences against the game, the punishments to inflict to the criminals;

116. Duties of the Vaisyases and the Soudrâses, the origin of the mixed classes, the rule of conduct of all classes in case of distress, and the fashions of atonements;

117. "The three sorts of transmigrations that are in this world the result of the actions, the supreme happiness reserved to the good works, the exam of the good and the pain;

118. "And finally the eternal laws the different regions, the classes and the families, and the practices of the different sects of heretics and the companies of merchants, have been declared in that book by Manou.

119. "As well as previously, to my prayer, Manou declared the content of this book, in the same way you learn it today of me, without deletion nor increase.

End of the first book:

@ + Eric

Hello Eric,

I would not like to brag, my friend, but several stanzas look a lot like my version of the New Genesis.

How were the inhabitants of antiquity able to be so evolved, you ask?

You must know that a few of the prophets of ancient India were Jesus' incarnations!

The greatest are always the same, since they are the models, from one incarnation to the other. Only the expression changes, not the bottom of the thought - spiritual - that is the intention to be.


Hello Pierre,

I noticed that many verses resemble much your second Genesis. These are appreciably the same teachings that come back, only the culture changes. One sees that you are of those that are capable to teach such laws.

@ + Eric

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