A dream. November 3, 2004.

[I am bringing changes to a web site (already written at the time of the dream) and adding 4 words: "My name is Seth". In the dream, I write these words while I pronounce them. Then, I say to a person sitting next to me, at my right: " You can do whatever you want with this information, but I am telling you that my name is Seth".]

Interpretation: My soul (me in the dream) is telling my conscious mind (the person sitting at my right), that its name is Seth. I - the conscious mind - can do whatever I want with this information from my soul, but the fact remains: my name is Seth.

[dates cited are from the Cayce material]

Historical fact and texts, copied from the Internet:

~ 10,000 years BC.

The Lord of Upper Egypt.

* Cult Centre: Ombos.

* Attributes: Early in Egyptian history, Seth is spoken of in terms of reverence as the god of wind and storms. He was even known as the Lord of Upper Egypt. Horus being the Lord of Lower Egypt. It was Seth who stood in the front of the solar barque to defend the sun god Ra from his most dangerous foe, the serpent Apep. At this time, he seems to have had no conflicts with the cults of Isis or Osiris. In fact, he was part of the same family of gods, and married to his twin sister, Nephthys.

However, it appears the followers of Seth may have resisted the followers of Horus and the First Dynasty pharaoh, Menes, when he united Upper and Lower Egypt. This struggle for control of Egypt seems to be reflected in the mythology. At this point, Seth is portrayed as questioning the authority of his brother, Osiris. The Osiris cults took this opportunity to discredit the followers of Seth; he was now considered to be Osiris' evil brother. And the story was told that Seth was evil since birth, because he ripped himself from his mother's womb by tearing through her side. In the Osiris legends, it is Seth who tricks and murders Osiris. He is also the antagonist of Horus. By the Twenty-sixth Dynasty, Seth was the embodiment of evil. He was depicted with red eyes and hair. The ancient Egyptians believed red represented evil.

* Representation: Man with the head of an unknown animal. Some times he takes the form of a crocodile. He is represented as a hippopotamus or a black pig in his battles with Horus.

* Relations: Son of Geb and Nut. Brother of Isis, Nephthys, and Osiris. The husband of Nephthys or sometimes the husband of Taurt.

Other Names: Set, Suetekh.


It seems that, according to a few texts I could gather, there were two persons named Seth. The second, as we saw, would be the son of Geb and Nut, 10,000 years BC.

The first to appear in History with the name Seth is the third son of Adam and Eve.

~ 12,000 years BC

From my discussion list, I asked: What do you think it implies to be Seth?

Marisa wrote:

The perfect son of Adam inherited all of the spiritual qualities of his father and he must share these with his brothers.

I answered:

Seth was not necessarily the "perfect" son of Adam. He did not inherit his spiritual qualities either. He was Adam's third son (he was the reincarnation of Abel). He inherited the totality of his father's knowledge.

It is this knowledge that Seth transmitted, through all of his incarnations as a prophet, even as Apollo, Jacob, Daniel, king David, John (Revelation's writer), Merlin (he really lived), Nostradamus and many others, right down to me, that gives me my legitimacy as a modern prophet and teacher.


Texts from the Web.[The bold text is my choice]

SETH […] was a worthy character, and was to take the place of Abel in right doing. Yet he was a son of Adam. […] In receiving the faithful instructions of his father Adam, he honored God in doing His will. He separated himself from the corrupt descendants of Cain and labored, as Abel would have done […], to turn the minds of sinful men to revere and obey God. [I note that this is the basis of Islam.]


Seth's philosophy is laced into tons and centuries worth of religious and philosophical gobbledegook (as in the conventional confusion of parameters and contradictions surrounding the topic of "free will," as opposed to Seth's simple, limitless you-create-your-own-reality). […]

Seth was a sharpshooter. He homed in on the truth, stuck to the subject, made infinitely logical sense. […] Bless him! He made sense out of nonsense." […]

According to Seth, the kernel, the heart, the very basis upon which all existence builds is the quantum ("the smallest discrete quantity of some physical property that a system can possess") - the very thing that scientists and religionists and theorists have been trying to identify, these many centuries. Seth reached out his jolly little finger, said, "Oh, it's there, all right," and named the smallest indivisible particle: Consciousness Unit. And with that gesture, he redefined "Life."

Life, he said, exists on an infinite number of "planes" or "levels," only one of which is the material world as we know it. And the quantum that is common to all is the Consciousness Unit. That means that everything seen and unseen is comprised of consciousness - a consciousness whose solitary goal is to expand, to become more of itself. [My theory of the expansion of the Universe.]

That is what existence is all about, starting with the infinitesimal quantum, enlarging to galaxies, encompassing "life after death" and every plane of existence: Expansion - becoming more.

So, since Seth won't take credit for the philosophy, we've named it Quantum Philosophy, in honor of the heart of the matter. You're very welcome to call it whatever you like. I doubt that Seth cares.


Seth details a philosophy of conscious creation. This philosophy supposes that:

* Physical reality arises from consciousness, not the other way around.
* We create our own reality.
* We are not at the mercy of a disjointed deity or subconscious.
* We are multidimensional beings, more than our physical bodies.
* At the core of our being, we reside in a realm in which time and space do not exist. [I call this, as Cayce did, Patience.]
* We are, in essence, creative spiritual beings having an earthly experience.
* The fate of each of us is in our own hands.
* We have multiple, life experiences. Problems not faced in this life will be faced in another.
* We cannot blame God, society, or our parents for "misfortunes," since before this physical life we chose the circumstances into which we would be born and the challenges that could best bring about our development.
* We form physical matter as effortlessly and unselfconsciously as we breathe. Telepathically, we are all aware of the mass ideas from which we form our overall conception of physical reality.

Metaphysics is defined as the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. Seth admonishes his readers to approach these matters not as mere observers, not as victims of either chance or the whim of some celestial clockmaker, but as spiritually intelligent creatures. Reality, he says, does not unfold randomly or chaotically, but intelligently and holistically, each of us as a unit of consciousness carrying our own load in the creative process.

In the reality painted by Seth, an idea is an event, and plays as important and tangible a role in our reality as any event. This concept dates […] back to Plato.

Seth proves to be an articulate teacher and a whimsical agent provocateur of thought. He will challenge every prejudice, predisposition, bias and assumption. […]


Having read some of my words from previous pages and, maybe, my book: "Intimate Conversations with Consciousness", you may see that there is an extraordinary resemblance between Seth teachings and mine.

Slightly less than 12,000 ago, my name was Seth. Seth lives in me. I can truly say, as in the dream: "My name is Seth".

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